At the heart of every great meal
The cooking industry is constantly evolving to meet the needs of today’s consumers. One of the most recent advances in cooking technology has been the introduction of wireless food warmers. Unlike traditional warmers, wireless warmers are portable devices that can be used to warm food up without the use of an electrical socket. Wireless warmers are an excellent choice for foodservice professionals and home party hosts who are looking for an alternative to traditional warmers.

Perfect solution
The instant heating power of Heat Blaster provides the perfect solution for party hosts and foodservice professionals who need to keep food at the right temperature. The small, discreet Heat Blaster can be placed in a variety of locations to ensure maximum comfort and minimize lineups. No longer will you need to worry about keeping food hot. Heat Blaster provides a warm welcome and ensures that you're ready to serve.
future is here
The world is rapidly moving towards a cordless and wireless lifestyle. From our homes to our schools, the ways we work, play and live have changed over the years. With this change, so has the way we prepare our food. Gone are the days where we need to plug in our food warmer to ensure that our food remains warm.

Market benchmark
H1X, a cordless warmer that can last for two hours at 110°C, which is a new benchmark in the market. This warmer is unique in the sense that it's the only unit of its kind that heats up on contact, so there's no need to pre-warm the plates or pour in a lot of energy just to get things going.